Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today was an awesome day! I was so lucky to be surrounded by my close family on such a important day in my life.  It was very special to share the baptism with my wife, son, mom, dad, bother, grandmother, and my brother's friend.  They all joined us at our church -The Gathering-The Baptism took place at the Prairie Life Fitness Center since our church meets in a movie theater and is not equipped for Baptisms.  Our pastor Dr. Foster and his wife, Paula, conducted the Baptisms.
When my head came back up out of the water and I wiped the water from my face and eyes, I really felt like my skin, my mind and my heart was cleansed. Cleansed from the past wrongs, mistakes, and troubles.  I know it does not change anything in the past or make anything right but it only helps me learn and grow.
 I was in and out of trouble a lot through my adolescent years and made some very poor choices. I used to look back at those times and feel really ashamed and disappointed.  But after a day like today, how can someone be ashamed of their self? I realize and understand that those days are small parts of someone else's bigger plan for me.
I have opened my eyes, heart and mind to that there really is a person out there bigger than me, my parents, the sky, the universe.  
Renada's and my paths did not cross by accident. I really do believe she was my angel sent to me by God to help me complete his plans for me. God has given us the blue prints to our lives and we have only just begun it. We have brought a beautiful boy into this world and now we get to watch him grow into a Godly man. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Were to even start...

We have been so busy this past month that we neglected our blog. With me being back at work and coaching, practices, games, Jamaica Leader meetings and Kyle having to do his work, training people, pulling other's weight and dropping off and picking up Britton by the time we get home all we want to do is rest and cherish every moment we have with our baby boy. Who as you can see is not so little! He is growing up so fast! Since we last blogged Britton got his first tooth, has had 2 ear infections with the first one sending us to the Vandy ER. He has had apple juice, drinks from a sippy cup that has a straw, stands, and army crawls around. Britton tries to walk, bounces, talks like crazy, had a cold yet fun at Gentry's Farm and Pumpkin Patch, spends many a Saturday being a Hokie and a Vol, and has developed such a cute and wonderful personality! As you can tell we are very proud of our little guy!
I'm hoping to blog again this week as we are taking Britton's 9 month pictures on Saturday and Kyle is getting baptized on Sunday! This is truly a special weekend for us and for our little family. I'm hoping to have plenty of pictures to share and give Kyle time to blog on Sunday afternoon. In the meantime I hope these pictures hold you over and you forgive us for wanting to love our Britton instead of blogging, as I know you all do! :)

"Who needs a Smokey? I'm a little Hokie!"
Wearing the bib to make Dad happy!

Big boys brush their teeth or tooth!

The two loves of my life!

A tooth...finally!!!

Standing up to play on his new toy that Daddy bought him.

Drinking apple juice for the first time!

First "big boy" bath!

My silly monkey "helping" with laundry!

"How Tall This Fall?" Britton is 2' 6" or 30 "!!

"Feeding" himself his juice in his new Western Illinois jersey from Grandpa!