Saturday, December 26, 2009

Britton's 1st ChRiStMaS

We are so bLeSsEd to have such wonderful fRiEnDs and amazing FaMiLy. Thank you all for making oUr and Britton's ChRiStMaS a joyous and fun-filled time!

Leaving out the MiLk, CoOkIeS and CaRrOts

Britton with his FaVoRiTe gift from Grandma and Grandpa

with his lOvIng P
FaMiLy Christmas PhOtO at June's
Britton's early BiRtHdAy GiFt
with Mimi and Pa
LoViNg on AuNt Ne
Playing "hOrSeY" with "Uncle" Jimmy

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Voices for the Voiceless

Just when I think that perhaps it was my voice and not His telling us to open up our hearts to adoption I randomly come across things like these. This video is from All God's Children International and is so touching. Kyle and I have actually looked into this agency, but they, like most, do not focus on Jamaican adoptions. Perhaps our lives are not ready for this amazing gift of adopting right now, but I know it will be.

Monday, December 21, 2009

CrAzy Christmas TiMe!!

First off, thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, e-mails, text, and calls to check on Britton. He turned out to have a rare strand of a bacterial infection. It was not any of the many things they tested for and all we know for sure is that his white blood cell count was way too high. The shots did what they were suppose to and he was said to be "clear" from the infection on Tuesday. We made another visit to the doctor on Saturday and now poor baby has a bad chest cold and ear infections, yes again, this is the 4th time!

Being that Britton and myself were sick and feeling so crummy this weekend we had to forgo our trip with Rhonda for Christmas in Indiana. I was so disappointed that Britton would be missing out on visiting with everyone, but I know he would have been miserable. Our luck he would have gotten all the other small kids sick too! Kyle and I are hoping to make it to IN soon!

On a much more positive side Britton is growing up so fast. (To be honest this saddens me greatly!!) He is doing everything he should be for his age and then some. He loves to walk holding on to furniture or someone's hands. He enjoys playing with his fire-truck from Andrea and dancing/clapping to his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CD. He is such the daredevil! He likes to climb into his Pottery Barn Chair, throw the pillow into the floor and jump from the chair onto the pillow on the floor....he finds this very funny. It is so hard for me to believe that he will turn 1 months old on Christmas Eve! It is even more crazy to think that our little baby will turn one in just a little over a month!

Being silly with P

I LOVE his silly faces!

Our little Hokie :)

First time in his big boy carseat

He has discovered that the dishwasher...

is climbable! Oh Dear!!

But for right now...
We are all looking forward to Christmas here in the Cincere household. Our decorations are up, presents wrapped and we are ready for the traveling this season will involve for us. Britton discovered the gifts under the gifts under the tree just yesterday. The gift he decided to play with was of course not even his! Let's hope his Daddy's present is not too damaged! :) We're excited to see what Britton thinks of all of this craziness! He has enjoyed hearing several Christmas stories and especially enjoys waving the books around when we finish. What a special time of year this is. As Kyle and I celebrate this season and all that it truly means we feel even more blessed to share it with our son. We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! We hope to post some pictures of our holiday celebrations throughout this weekend.

Found a gift to play with

Christmas come soon!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Prayers for our Baby boy Please...

I know that we have been once again lacking in the updates here in the blog world! I would love to take the time to upload new pictures and tell the funny stories of our now walking (while holding on to things) precious baby, but they will have to wait. Britton has had an ear infection and staph infection for about 6 days now and a temperature that he could not get rid of for three days ow. When I called the Children's Hospital they told us there was no need to bring him in to be seen unless he temperature was at 105. We did anyways! It turns out that though Britton appears to be fine as he is laughing, playing, and being very mobile he is one sick little boy. His white blood cell count is way too high showing signs of a bacterial infection, perhaps mono. I have no idea how an infant gets mono, and hope that is not what it turns out to be. Rhonda, Kyle's mom, took Britton to Dr. Chamber's office today and he was given a shot. It was actually three different shots that had to be injected into his muscle. We have an appointment tomorrow to see if the shots are working if not they will have to draw blood to see more detailed results. If they are not showing improvement then he will need to be hospitalized, which is a huge concern to me. I don't want to even imagine my poor little boy in the hospital for a long stay. Kyle and I would like to ask for your prayers for Britton. Prayers that he gets well soon and that this shot does work. Prayers that God is in control and can comfort our baby. We will keep you all updated on his status and hope this is just a bump in the road for Britton and passes quickly.