Wednesday, June 24, 2009

5 months already??

It does not feel like we have been parents for five months, that I have been on maternity leave for five months and I wish my body looked like Britton was five months! We have had some eventful moments these past two days. Yesterday Britton FINALLY rolled over, from his back to his tummy. I happened to have my camera, okay truth is I take it with me every time he is on the playmat and HOPE that that day will be the day! We had to go to the doctor today to get checked out for an ear infection,which he does not have, strep throat, which he does not have and a virus, which he does have. While there and waiting on the nurse to come in Britton rolled from tummy to back. Two feats in two days, pretty impressive!
Starting to roll...

...still going...


and proud of himself!

We tired cereal again on Sunday and he loves it. Last night was cereal again and as you can tell, he is still loving it. In fact he cries when it is gone. He also thinks he is old enough to feed himself. What a handful this boy is going to be...I can't wait! :)

Our last eventful moment happened today. Britton was in his jumper and stated to cry so I would come get him out. When I walked over to the front of it and looked at him he lifted his arms up and reached for me. He can cry all day if he promises to reach for me too! No I'm just waiting on that first word to be "mama."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

another busy week

We've had a pretty busy time since I last blogged. I thought I'd be better at updating this, but daily updates are not going to happen! My Mom came in town this past weekend and we took Britton swimming again at Hank and Rhonda's. He had such a good time and thankfully a good day even with the teething! 
We decided to go ahead and try cereal on Sunday night....not successful! As you can tell from the pictures he was confused and I don't think he found it too tasty! We'll try again soon... maybe with thicker cereal.

Before we started...

trying it out with a not so tasty look on his face...

and happy that it's over!
Monday through Wednesday my squad had cheer camp. Britton and I went to watch on Monday for the first part of the day, he did wonderful! We had a squad dinner that night at Chili's and baby Sophie came. Britton was funny as he stared at her like he was trying to figure out what she was! :) Tuesday night we went to Chuck E Cheese. Believe it or not, he stayed awake for one ride and then took a nap! I don't know how he managed to fall asleep in such a loud place! We tried to take a picture of the girls with Britton, but he decided he would rather scream. :)

"Riding" his only ride ay Chuck E Cheese

Britton being unhappy about this picture!

After eating he was happy again

Last night we had the girls over to watch a movie together. They seem to be a great group so far and get along well. Britton does cry when some of them talk to him or get too close....too many new faces I suppose. There are other girls though that he favors, we're working on it! Tonight we are going over to Sus and Kevin's for dinner and play time. :) That would be easier if they too had a baby, but I guess we'll settle for Jackson the cat for now! I'm hoping this weekend is a lot calmer! Sunday is Father's Day and I'm excited for the day we have planned for Kyle. Being a parent has been such a wonderful blessing and gift, even with the 6 weeks of teething! ;)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A chaotic few weeks minus a gallbladder

So if you've read the previous blogs you know all about my week long stay in Bristol due to my wonderful gallbladder attack. On Sunday, May 31st I had two attacks within an hour of each other so Kyle and I got Britton loaded up to take to his grandparent's house and headed to the Williamson Medical ER. I had an appointment on Friday and already knew I had a "packed" gallbladder, but surgery had not yet been scheduled. After being at the ER from 2 am to about 9am we left with Loratab and were told to call and schedule surgery on Monday. We went home and tried to take a nap then actually headed over to Hank and Rhonda's where we had left Britton and went swimming, it was a very long day. 
I had an appointment scheduled for Monday to see Dr. LaNeve, it was to start at 2:15 and I had to take Britton with me. This appointment lasted until 4:15 needless to say Britton was very unhappy and not on his best behavior. Surgery was scheduled for Wednesday and I had to be there at 8:30am. On Tuesday Kyle got a call early in the morning from his Mom letting him know his Grandfather Cincere had passed away. Kyle called in and took off that day and the next. We headed to the funeral home to help with whatever we could. Wednesday came and Kyle and Britton dropped me off at the hospital. I got all checked in and changed into the lovely gown by 9:30, this is when my nurse, Holly, informed me my surgery was set for 11:40 and they would take me to the holding room an hour before. Time moved so slowly! I don't remember too much about being in the holding room besides the IV being put in and then being told my "best friend" would give me medicine soon. Last time I heard that was when I got my epidural, that NEVER set in! This time all worked; next thing I remembered was being woke up and asked what I wanted to drink, which was nothing to be honest. I looked at the clock when we got to my room and it was already 2pm and then at 2:30 Kyle and Britton came in. I was in and out during this time, but from what I can remember Britton did very well. He loved laying on the hospital bed and laughed at everything Kyle said to him! Finally at 5:30 I was allowed to go the bathroom and change into my clothes. Kyle went to get the car and the nurse went over the check-out stuff. Again I was given Loratab, a stronger dose this time. Thank goodness Kyle had the day off because I felt horrible! Rhonda came over and watched Britton on Thursday while I mostly popped pain pills and slept. On Friday Rachel took the day off of work to come watch Britton. (THANK YOU!!!!) I also had a cheer practice that day, I'm not sure what I was thinking not to cancel that! Saturday we went to Hank and Rhonda's to spend time with them and Brandon and swim...well they swam, I tried to stay awake and watch. I ran out of Loratab on Sunday and since then have been taking Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid Release like it is candy. I'm still sore, still bloated and still in pain. To add to all of it I now get sick after everything I eat, except for bread. I have found myself avoiding eating or having popcorn for dinner and I hate popcorn. I have been alone with Britton for two days now and both days I have thought I was going to die! He is still teething and wants to be held most of the day, having four incision sites in my stomach does not make holding a baby easy or at all comfortable. The weekend is almost here and I hope that means I will start to feel much better. My Mom will be coming up for the weekend on Friday so an extra set of hands to hold Britton will be very appreciated by both Kyle and myself. We also have Grandfather Cincere's funeral on Friday. It seems like when things happen they all happen at once! I think Kyle and I (and probably Britton too) are ready for a "normal, calm schedule" to return!
I've posted some pictures of Britton below and a picture of my lovely gallstones and bladder....just a warning!!! :)

Britton being silly!

My "lovely" gallbladder and stones...I know it's gross!!

Kyle, Britton, Hank and Brandon playing in the pool.

Playing on his mat before he fell asleep!

Taking pictures since he decided it was too early for bed. :)