Tuesday, February 16, 2010


HaPpY (very late) VaLeNtInE's dAy!!

Our little Valentine

Our attempt at a family picture

Britton watching Monsters vs Aliens
Opening gifts on V-Day

First time eating with a fork ON HIS OWN!!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Britton had his surgery for his ear tubes last Tuesday. I must say that just as I calmed down my anxiety about the surgery I got a phone call last Monday to let me know that Dr. Huber was in the hospital. Not only was he in the hospital, but would be out for the next two to four weeks. I decided that we would allow his partner, Dr. Mullins, to do the surgery so our little boy would not have to wait. His surgery time got moved and we were to check in at 6:30 am with the tubes being put in at 7:30... much better for a hungry baby! Everything went wonderfully. It has now been almost a week and the tubes must be working there magic! Tuesday and Wednesday were rough nights, but ever since Wednesday he has been sleeping through the night! We can hear him wake up, but we are letting him soothe himself back to sleep and life is good. :) The extra sleep is a very welcomed change, especially for my husband! Britton currently has a cold, but hopefully the tubes will do their job and this will not turn into an ear infection. Thank you all for the prayers, e-mails, texts, and calls to check in on Britton. We truly appreciate you all so much!

Kudos to Dr. Mullins for being so great to us and Britton! We go for a check-up in a week, keep thinking of us!

Monday, February 1, 2010

sNoW dAyS

What a week/weekend this has been for the Cincere family. We left for Indiana on Tuesday after Britton's 12 month check-up. (He weighed in at only 24 lbs and 6 ozs and is 31" long!)
I wish I could say it was a visit just for fun, but unfortunately that was not the case. Kyle's sweet Grandfather Presnall passed away on Sunday. We arrived in Indiana around midnight, it was a long drive, but Britton did so well. Wednesday and Thursday we spent time with Kyle's cousins, aunts, uncles and Grandmother Presnall. Britton even discovered stairs and how to climb both up and down while we stayed at Randi and Joe's. We had planned on coming back to Nashville on Friday night or Saturday morning, but little did we know what was about to happen! Rhonda called us to let us know that Nashville was to get 6 to 8 inches in snow and ice. We were very doubtful of this, but decided just to be safe to leave after dinner with Kyle's cousins.

climbing up the stairs

so proud of himself

We woke up Friday morning with no sign of snow. Around 9 am the weatherman started to seem right! By that afternoon we had snow, lots of snow. The snow continued to fall throughout the night and on Saturday we had around 6 inches of snow with 2 of those inches being nothing but ICE! We took Britton out to play in the snow, but being that the ice was so thick playing didn't seem too possible. :) We did however get some cute pictures, of course! Both Sunday and Monday the ice seemed to just sit on our cul-de-sac, while some of the main roads were scraped and are now just slushy. Kyle and I are glad we decided to come back early and enjoyed spending so much quality time with each other and with Britton.

Amazed at all the sNoW!!

He loves playing with the pillows!

Our adorable boy :)

Britton's new love is getting into the pantry cabinets!!

Today it's oatmeal!

Britton has his surgery tomorrow for his ear tubes. We got a call today to let us know that Dr. Huber is out with an illness and will not be doing surgeries for 2 to 4 weeks! We decided to go with his partner doing the surgery. Britton is scheduled to be at the surgery center at 6:30 a.m. with the process starting at 7:30. Once his surgery is complete and he has spent some time in the recovery room he will FiNaLlY be allowed to eAt! Kyle and I are confident this surgery will help Britton to feel so much better. Please keep Britton and his doctors in your prayers!