Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I love Fall. I love everything about Fall. I love the cool weather (I'm sucker for jeans and a comfy tee), I love football season, I love the fall colors, I love driving home to Bristol and seeing all the foliage, and I love being able to sit outside beside a nice fire with Kyle....this will happen soon! This year however I am so sadden that Fall has arrived. Fall this year means our sweet Foster will be turning one! The smallest love of my love will no longer be an infant and I am feeling torn. I can't wait to hear, "I love you Momma," just like Britton tells me. I can't wait to see my boys running and playing together or wrestling with Kyle. On the other hand I will no longer have a little baby who has that irresistible baby smell and the tiny fingers that wrap around yours as he feeds. Such a bittersweet time it will be this October and I don't know how I will feel or handle my emotions on October 30th. I do know however, that I will feel so blessed and thankful for our precious, loving and simply gorgeous baby Foster. So for now I will enjoy every minute of every day just as we have done the past 11 months. What an incredible, Godly man I believe Foster will be..... so blessed