Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jamaica: Round 9 & Pregnancy: Round 2

It seems that every year returning to Jamaica I leave with the same feeling, "Is this really over for another year?" What an amazing experience it is for me...emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is eye-opening week and reawakens talents in myself that I tend to forget I process. This year Jamaica was also a physical experience for me. Being pregnant in your first trimester and being in Jamaica are at times a completely miserable pairing! I loved being able to return this year and do not regret the choice Kyle and I made for me to go, but wow, hello sickness! I've been sick this entire pregnancy, since day one, but being sick in a country that is so hot and sticky, while trying to serve the people and not get sick on was rough! I only got unbearably sick on Thursday and spent some time at the church resting. Fatigue held me back at times, but I am very proud of how much I was able to do and hope I didn't let me team down! My amazing Jamaican parents and grandparents are very excited for our new addition and looked after me the entire week. Sister J has requested we have a girl though as she already has two Jamerican grandsons. :)Overall Jamaica was an amazing trip. I'm hoping that next year Kyle and I will be able to travel together as it does so much good for us individually and as a couple and even as parents.

Now to answer some questions I have gotten about this pregnancy. It is TOTALLY different than it was when I was pregnant with Britton. I am sick nearly every day, I am always nauseous, some days I eat very little and other days I eat everything in sight. I have even been having cravings this time around. For example on Monday I had Kyle go and get me a kid's meal from Captain D's (which we do not eat at EVER) and had it with a glass of chocolate milk. Yesterday we planned on having pasta, but on my way home I smelled Arby's and my craving for a roast beef sandwich, french fries and a bowl of Lucky Charms won me over. Hopefully all of these differences mean a little girl is on the way. ;) It's been a very rough 9 weeks, but I know the end is within sight and the feeling that comes with a newborn has no words to describe the emotions. Thank you all for all the congratulations, kind words, gifts, calls, and texts. We couldn't be happier about Britton becoming a big brother!

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