Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take me Out to the BaLlGaMe!!

As a summer gift to Kyle I bought us tickets to a Nashville Sounds game. Before we had Britton we would go to many summer Sounds games. Since Britton has been born we had not been, until a few weeks ago. Things took a little turn when we discovered we would be taking Britton with us for his first game. :) He had a blast! He enjoyed drinking an Icee and eating a hotdog. He couldn't stop watching the players and the fans long enough to even let us take a good picture! Our little monkey made it through the 4th inning before he decided it was time to walk around. Anyone that knows Britton, knows this is quite the accomplishment! We all had a great time and are ready to go again.

Britton's first Sounds game!
Watching the players be introduced!

Things with Foster are going well! I'm feeling and looking VERY pregnant! This week has been a very tiring and hard one. I have had activities and responsibilities every night this week. I've been missing getting to spend time with Kyle and Britton. I've also managed to somehow hurt myself! I go to the doctor today to see if I have a severe sprain or a stress fracture to my left ankle/foot. It's quite painful during the day and with my RLS at night, sleep and being comfortable at all has gotten to be almost impossible!! Luckily, I am just over 31 weeks today and our sweet baby will be with us soon. I know it sounds crazy, but I think I'll get more sleep when that time comes then I am now! :)

Foster and I at 31 weeks

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I think this short clip shows why Britton needs a beginner drum set for Christmas!!

Maybe he's going to be a future diver/swimmer instead of a drummer....

Friday, August 6, 2010

OuR SuMmEr ReCaP...using pictures :)

Denver! Britton and I went to stay with Aunt Ne and Uncle Sean for a week. Mom flew up with us and we flew back just the two of us. I was so proud of how great he did, perfectly behaved little passenger! We had a fun time in CO and were glad we had the chance to go!

Aunt Ne bought this Handy Manny table set for Britton for Christmas...he got to break it in a little early!

Despite the heat we took Britton to the Denver Zoo. He had a blast looking at all the animals, alive and stuffed. :)

He seriously needs his own beginner drum set! He had so much fun playing Uncle Sean's...notice his serious face/lips!

We of course had to take him to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. He enjoyed playing more than eating! Again, note the serious face! I have no idea how he knew to ride like that, all boy!!

Being home this summer with my little man has turned him back into a Momma's Boy and I absolutely adore it!

Ohio! The day after Britton and I returned from Denver we loaded up with Kyle and headed off to Ohio. One of my dearest friends from Sequoya was getting married! It was a hot day, but so much fun! Brooke looked gorgeous! We also got to see my love Hagen and her sweet boy Grey. Britton and Grey are mini-twins and we were so thrilled they got to hang out and become buddies!

Brooke, Hagen/Twin and I...LoVe tHeSe GiRlS!!

Kyle and I after the wedding

Britton was exhausted from the long drive and playing with Grey!

Sweet buddies at CPK

I hope these two go up to be the best of friends!

Sea Grove/Sea Side Beach Trip, round Two! We had another fun filled week at the beach! Britton did much better with the sand this time and even more patience when we went out to eat! He's growing up way too fast and turned 18 months our first day there! (We did have professional pictures done and are excited to view those soon!)

Opening gifts for his 1 1/2 birthday! Yes, we celebrate 1/2 birthdays! He even had cake!

My two sweet boys!

My buddy and I before going out to eat.

He was ready to tackle the beach this day, such a big boy!

He LoVeS the water and especially LoVeD the pool!

Bristol! Britton is making this trip all by himself. I'm excited that Kyle and I will have my last summer weekend together, but so sad that I won't be spending it with Britton...bitter sweet! I drove to Crossville today to meet my parents and pass over my sweet boy. He cried when he left his Momma, but perked up when he saw the books and toys in the backseat! I'm sure he'll have a great time!