Saturday, December 10, 2011

All I want for .:*Christmas*:.

Our dear Corwin is still gone....4 months have passed by. I have come to terms with the fact that he is not coming back and I can only hope someone else is loving on him. Rylee has had a rough time trying to adjust to not having a buddy. Kyle has been incredible looking for Corwin every day. It's hard to think my sweet boy of eight years is gone. My heart breaks and seeing Rylee so sad all the time makes it worse. So after much thought I asked for a puppy for Christmas. I was surprised by Kyle when he told me he was going to get me a Pointer puppy we had found only to find out they had ben adopted. Thus started the search, again! We decided to adopt a dog in order to save a life. We found the cutest little girl in Mt. Juliet. She is a retriever mix with a black and white coat. She is currently 8 weeks old and will be coming home with us on December 20th!! We went to see her today so the boys and most importantly Rylee could meet her to see if it would be a good match. They all loved each other and plans are set! I dread housebreaking another puppy, but she is already crate trained! I am so excited, as is the rest of the family! Ten days seems so far away! (Thank you to my sweet husband for understanding my want & need for this puppy. You are too good to me, love!)

Our sweet .:*Blair*:. with her Momma.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

So thankful...

We celebrated Thanksgiving at our home again this year! I must say it was much calmer this year! I no longer have a busted stove top or a 3 week old baby! We were glad that everyone could come and enjoy the day together! June and Kelcie were able to stay from Tuesday to Friday, with Mimi, Pa, and P staying from Wednesday to Sunday! The boys love their long visits! Britton's face simply lights up each time he sees them! This year we are so very thankful for two healthy, adorable boys and a family that loves them so!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Our crazy & wild monkey with our sweet & excited firefighter! ♥

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, baby Foster!

My dearest baby Foster.... How it hurts my heart that you are no longer my sweet baby, but a growing one year old. I simply adore your precious blonde hair, blue eyed, laid back and loving personality. I love how you are such a "Momma's Boy." I love your contagious laugh, how around your eyes wrinkle when you smile & the sweet bond you have already formed with Britton. You are such a blessing to me, to all of us. I pray that you grow to be such a Godly man who loves others and gives to those in need. I am so honored to be your Momma. I love you BIG, my sweet boy.

Such a wonderful moment!!
October 30, 2010...9:56 p.m....7lbs 8ozs....21 1/2"

Happy Fourth of July!

Bright eyed at nine months :)

11 months old and happy as usual

The two little loves of my life

LoViNg his cake!


Our family of four...pretty perfect

Happy 1st Birthday, love!
October 30th, 2011...9:55 p.m....21 lbs 8 ozs...31"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Gentry's Pumpkin Patch and other fall fun!

We took our third trip to Gentry's this fall and I must say each year Britton loves it more and more. We have a lot of friends that go to Walden's, I think after looking at the two and comparing prices for what you get Gentry's obviously still wins! Foster seemed to really enjoy Gentry's too! He wants to do and be everywhere Britton is. I hope they remain such good friends. :) A Momma can hope, right?!

Our two sweet boys!
One happy Foster

2'6" :)

3' 6" We think :)
He adores his big brother

We just redid Britton's room into a big boy choo-choo room. I'm not sure big boy and choo-choo go together, but hey, he's spoiled and I cave too easily! In redoing his room I moved his art easel into our family room. Foster discovered it and is in love! First he tried to eat the crayons, hey he's curious :), now the two of them are sharing it very well When they are not hiding from us and talking under it they are busy coloring on it! It's crazy how grown up Foster is getting!

It's crazy for me to think Britton is old enough for a full sized bed!

He is loving his chalk board wall!!
Such cute buddies

Both of our boys LOVE taking baths. This has always been the case for Britton and just about a month ago the bug hit Foster. Foster is big enough now that we let them bathe together then get Foster out while big brother continues to play. What a time saver!! It also makes for some great pictures!

It's getting crazy here in the Cincere household with Foster's birthday and party being next week. His birthday week officially starts Monday. Being that he won't remember this very well ;) we are doing a birthday week of things Foster this moment. :) Two toddlers, wow....

Stay tuned for our next update of our sweet Foster's birthday party and birthday!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Almost time for another BiRtHdAy WeEk!!

Just a little sneak peak of our invites for Foster's Party!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I love Fall. I love everything about Fall. I love the cool weather (I'm sucker for jeans and a comfy tee), I love football season, I love the fall colors, I love driving home to Bristol and seeing all the foliage, and I love being able to sit outside beside a nice fire with Kyle....this will happen soon! This year however I am so sadden that Fall has arrived. Fall this year means our sweet Foster will be turning one! The smallest love of my love will no longer be an infant and I am feeling torn. I can't wait to hear, "I love you Momma," just like Britton tells me. I can't wait to see my boys running and playing together or wrestling with Kyle. On the other hand I will no longer have a little baby who has that irresistible baby smell and the tiny fingers that wrap around yours as he feeds. Such a bittersweet time it will be this October and I don't know how I will feel or handle my emotions on October 30th. I do know however, that I will feel so blessed and thankful for our precious, loving and simply gorgeous baby Foster. So for now I will enjoy every minute of every day just as we have done the past 11 months. What an incredible, Godly man I believe Foster will be..... so blessed

Sunday, August 21, 2011

pretty perfect ♥

This is our precious, sweet, love to dance, and going to be into everything baby Foster.

And this is our wild child who loves to hug and kiss on his Momma, wrestle with Daddy, be creative and would swim & play outside all day long if we'd let him. He also is a pretty awesome destroyer of "monsters" and would do anything to protect his "baby Foster."

We think this is basically perfect...we all need a superhero, after all...who said he couldn't be 2?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

william country fair & more

What a crazy, fun and packed weekend we had! My Mom came in on Friday night and our schedule began! :) Britton was due for a haircut so off we went. He still HATES having his hair cut, but we have moved from screaming to pretend crying. After the lovely cut we had dinner at...don't judge....Sweet CeCe's. Yes, we all had yogurt with very unhealthy toppings and syrup for dinner and it was FaBuLoUs!! Britton had his very own bowl, for the first time. A trip to Toys 'R Us was next followed by a Mickey Choo Choo for Britton and a Chatter Elmo for Foster. Mimi spoils these two kiddos way too much. :)

Saturday morning started off fact it started with Foster sampling his brother's juice box AND strawberry Nutri Grain bar. :) Whoops!!

We had planned to go to the last day of the Williamson County Fair and were there right after it opened. The weather started off not too bad and it was not too crowded. As the day went on the crowds came out! The boys had a great time. Britton surprised us all by riding a lot of rides on his own. He got braver after each ride! He really enjoyed the Little Farmers exhibit where he got to pretend to harvest foods, collect eggs, get wool, plant seeds and feed many animals. At the end he was "paid" for his work and allowed to get something from the market. He picked animal crackers and Foster let Britton have his dollar to get a chocolate milk. Britton was in Heaven!! :) After he ate we went to pet the animals! (Those pictures are on Mimi's camera.) He thought it was fun to hold his hand out to touch them, but gross when they tried or did lick him!! We got to watch two clown acts.....Britton was at times amused...they were....we'll come on it's a circus routine at a fair! After we left the fair and had dinner Kyle and I were able to leave the boys at home with my Mom and enjoy the first Titan's preseason game!! We had great seats, the rain held off and we had a win! Great night....Great weekend!! (Thanks for helping this weekend, Mimi!)
Foster waiting on Britton to get off a ride
Britton lOvEd this HuGe slide!

Watching the "Circus" show :)
Showing the chickens his egg
Britton had to collect the correct number of veggies for his basket.
This climbing activity was so HiGh! He was such a champ and did this four or five times!
Britton's last ride of the day. He loved this bee!